terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009

O Tolo do Blanka

Como ainda estou sem internet em casa e meu notebook adoeceu (ainda estou tentando salvá-lo de um format), passei o feriadão fazendo uma das únicas coisas que meu Desktop sem internet serve: Jogar!
Estava vendo uns jogos instalados há algum tempo nele e deparei-me com Street Fighter! Uau! Velhos tempos de fliperama... Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Balrog, Radukens e nosso compatriota Blanka! É... Brasil, Carnaval, Samba, Futebol, Capoeira... e um bicho que parece o Chupa-Cabra superdesenvolvido!
Queria entender de onde aquilo foi originado, pois parece uma versão indígena do Incrível Hulk! Foi como? Um Tupi-Guarani que ficou exposto tempo demais aos raios gama?
Sinceramente... Antes um esteriótipo latino lutando capoeira... E o cara ainda é candidato a mascote do Rio 2016!!!

As I'm still without phone line, consequently without internet connection, and my notebook is sick (I'm still trying to save it from a Format), I had all my extended weekend (we had a holiday last monday) doing the only thing that my Desktop is useful for without Internet: Playing PC games :P
I was looking for games installed some time ago at my PC and with surprise found Street Fighter! Wow! My old fashion pinball times... Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Balrog, Radukens and our fellow Blanka! Yeah... Brazil, Carnival, Samba, Soccer, Capoeira... and a weird monster that more looks like an overdeveloped Chupa-Cabra!
I just would like to understand from where that thing was created, because looks like an indian version of the Incredible Hulk! How was that? Some Tupi-Guarani was exposed to too much gamma ray?
Honestly... I would prefer some latin stereotype fighting capoeira... This thing also still is the candidate mascot to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games :P I deserve it...

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